Register for DiscoverU

Student & Family Registration

We are thrilled that you are interested in registering for a DiscoverU program!

    • Please enter the registration access code you received to complete your registration.
    • Your registration access code can be found in your student invitation or application decision email.
    • If you do not have a registration access code, please contact our team via the Contact Us form, email at [email protected], or by calling (866) 423-8687.

Careers in Cybersecurity


The College Prep Symposium


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Our Location


PO BOX 423, ALLEN, TX 75013

About DiscoverU

Our week-long, residential summer programs are perfect for the student who is focused on college and career exploration. Our summer conferences are the ideal opportunity to delve into topics your student is passionate about, the perfect combination of educational immersion and community building with peers around the country. Our transformative programs help participants make informed decisions about their future paths for college and beyond.